
Animated Paintings

Wildlife Remembered

For this project, I produced animated artworks for ‘Wildlife Remembered’, a powerful short film, produced by Graham Makepeace-Warne from the Manx Wildlife Trust.

The piece captures the perspectives of some of the Isle of Man's older residents on the decline in wildlife on the island over the past fifty years, underscoring the issue of 'shifting baseline syndrome' — how each generation perceives their environment as "normal" even as wildlife populations dwindle.

Wildlife photography or video would have conflicted with the film’s message of scarcity, so instead Graham asked me to produce artworks inspired by the memories expressed in the interviews that could be layered into the edit.

I drew the outline for each artwork from reference photography, taking inspiration from the look of naturalist’s sketchbooks. I then digitally painted in the colour, which animates in behind each composition to ‘bring it to life’.

Finally, I rigged each composition using a variety of techniques in After Effects to make the various critters and environments move about.

The film was premiered at the King’s Court Theatre on the 20th April 2024 to a great reception from the Manx public and Manx Wildlife Trust members.


Let's Get Wild


Mission 100