Character Design

Mission 100

This was my first collaboration with Chloë and Michelle from Hello Little People and musician David Kilgallon as they created a children’s audio trail for Manx National Heritage to celebrate the centenary of the Manx Museum.

Navigating their way through the museum the island’s little people would encounter multiple funny and fantastical characters inspired by the history on display.

I was tasked with creating a design for each character to appear on foam boards with QR codes to queue up the next section of the adventure, and a map to guide them toward the next stop.

The characters included a pooping giant deer, DJ Bob the Frog, one of ‘Themselves’ (the island’s fairy folk) riding on a fallen leaf, a viking, a sei whale, and a superhero-caped PMC Kermode, the founder of the museum.

It was incredible to see the tour bring a smile to the faces of children on the island for the entire centenary year!

Images courtesy of TADesign ©2023


Wildlife Remembered